شرکت تارنمای طلایی مجری سیستم های اعلام و اطفاء حریق


With more than 60 years of experience, Notifier Company is among the first companies providing fire alarm systems. Today, this company is the largest producer of fire alarm systems with more than 400 representatives worldwide, which fulfills all the needs of the employer. , provides sales, advice and support of equipment. Notifier's goal is [...]

water fire extinguisher

water fire extinguisher 1) Water Mist 2) Sprinkler What is Watermist? Watermist is a fire protection or fire extinguishing system that sprays small water droplets, or better to say, water mist, with a diameter of less than 1000 microns with varying pressures from the nozzle opening, which can control, suppress and suppress the fire [...]

2023-04-17T15:18:57+00:0030th سپتامبر, 2017|Acquisitions, Financial, Taxes|بدون دیدگاه
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